Kamilla Souza and the largest collection of dolphin brains in Latin America

Super Interessante: Studying and mapping the brains of four Brazilian dolphins in detail. This was the doctoral research project that biologist Kamilla Souza presented to her examining board at the University of...

Read more at: https://super.abril.com.br/coluna/mulher_cientista/kamilla-souza-e-a-maior-colecao-de-cerebros-de-golfinhos-da-america-latina/

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Como surgiu o Stitcher, nossa ferramenta de modelagem 3D de cérebros?

Antes mesmo de iniciar o meu mestrado, ainda em 2019, eu, Kamilla (na época aluna…

Brasileira é dona da maior coleção de cérebros de golfinho da América Latina

Galileo: In an interview with GALILEO, Kamilla Souza talks about the work of extracting brains from...

Kamilla Souza e a maior coleção de cérebros de golfinhos da América Latina

Super Interessante: Studying and mapping the brains of four Brazilian dolphins in detail. That was...

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